Fossils stamps and more . . . - The Gailius Collection

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Fossils stamps and more . . .

WELCOME to Fossils and more

We have recently acquired a small collection of Fossils and Arrowheads
We are still investigating the origins of each piece, however if you are interested in purchasing them.
We base on our price by Ebay values at time of publication and can vary as we progress,

Indian paint pot
We are still investigating the origins of each piece, however if you are interested in purchasing them.

We base on our price by Ebay values at time of publication and can vary as we progress. So, for now there is not option to purchase.  If you are interested, please feel free to contact us to make an offer.

This Indian paint pot was discovered in the late 1920's in Massachusetts and since it was discovered there has been not change in its structure and color.  Making one wonder if this is what it looked like when it was created?


Here is another piece from our collection.  If there is an interest we will send you better quality file to review.

Foreign postage stamp 1888-1950

Another great find of a life time!  Our ancestors during the early years found collecting stamps from around the world interesting and collectable for trade.  Saving them in denomination, pattern, content, ruler or whatever reason that piqued an interest.
This collection could be referred to as, child collection, because it contains collections of a specific denominations and not complete sets or several denominations from a single category.
Over the years of documenting this collection and tagging them with the Scott Catalog numbers to verify validity.
Please enjoy what is posted.  Again, there is no option to purchase as we base the fee on current Ebay sold values. If you see something that interests you contact us for current price and delivery time.

Locate us on the North Shore of Long Island
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